Thursday, 3 April 2014

Under My Skin

Title: Under The Skin (2014)

Rating: *

Director: Jonathan Glazer

Genre: Drama/ Sci-Fi

Under the Skin if I'm completely honest was probably the the biggest waste of time and most terrible film that I've ever seen. I had read the book before I saw the film so I did kind of know what I was letting myself into, when I read the book I didn't always understand what was going on so I thought it'd be interesting to see the film and because Scarlett Johansson was in it I thought it'd be quite good because I like most of the films she's been in. However now I'm thinking what was she thinking when she signed up to this film, maybe she just wanted to try something different to her usual style. Although I can't deny her performance was good as always and she did play the strange role quite well, I dread to think what the film would of been like without her. However after researching upon the film after I'd seen it, it did become more interesting, I found out that most of scenes when on the streets in Scotland were filmed without the people knowing even some of the people Scarlett stopped to ask for directions from the van she was driving. But I don't think a film should only be interesting once you've researched it, it should intrigue you from the actually film and picture from the very start to the very finish. Overall I really don't  know how to explain this film and the only reason I'd advise someone to see this film is if I wanted them to know what a truly bad film really is or if I didn't like them very much.

Word Count: 276

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